Summary writing

A summary can be a standalone text, or it can be part of a larger work such as an essay. In a summary, you will want to include the main points of the text, and you may also want to include your own analysis or interpretation of the text. ‍

A summary is a short, objective description of a text or a passage. A summary is usually significantly shorter than the original text or passage. It is written in one's own words and is not a copy of the original text or passage. Summary writing is a type of writing that provides a brief overview of a text. It can be used to give an overview of an article, a book, a story, or any other type of text. 


When writing a summary, it is important to be clear and concise. You will want to make sure that you include all of the important information from the text, but you will also want to avoid adding any new information. 

  • Identify the Main Idea. Pick the most important point you want your reader to know. 
  • Keep it Brief. A summary paragraph is usually around five to eight sentences. 
  • No Judgments.
  • Make Sure It Flows. 
  • Check the Summary Against the Article.


Summary writing can be a helpful way to provide an overview of a text. When writing a summary, it is important to be clear and concise. You will want to include all of the important information from the text, but you will also want to avoid adding any new information.