Speaking about the weather.

How to speak in English about the weather. For example sentences.

English speakers enjoy discussing the weather. It's a method of breaking the ice (starting a conversation). People discuss the weather over the phone and in person. Friends and family discuss the weather before discussing what's new. Before starting a long day of work, coworkers discuss the weather. Even strangers talk about the weather. Learn the proper vocabulary and expressions, and you'll find it easy to strike up a conversation with anyone, anytime, and anywhere!

Weather-related questions and answers 

  • How is it outside?

             It's dreary outside. 

  • What's the weather like?

             It's ten degrees below zero. (-10 degrees Celsius) 

  • Is it raining where you are?

             We haven't had any rain in        weeks. 

  • What's the weather like there?

              The temperature is 22  degrees Celsius. 

  • What's it doing there if it's snowing here? 

              Outside, it's pouring. (it is pouring heavily) 

  • Isn't it a lovely day? 

               We couldn't have asked for a better day. 

  • What's the weather like? 

               Blue skies are expected all week.

Common error-

When discussing the weather, it is common for students to mix up the noun, adjective, and verb forms of weather words.

Example 1:

How's the weather?

It is snow (noun). incorrect

It is snowy (adjective). correct

It is snowing (verb). correct

Example 2:

What's it like out?

It is rain (noun). incorrect

It is rainy (adjective). correct

It is raining (verb). correct

Example 3:

What's the weather like?

It is sun (noun). incorrect

It is sunny (adjective). correct

The sun is shining (verb). correct


Learn the proper vocabulary and expressions, and you'll find it easy to strike up a conversation with anyone, anytime and anywhere!