What is Signposting?

Signposting is the use of phrases and words to lead the reader through the essay's or dissertation's material. Introductions, conclusions, and detailing key points or the argument's course in paragraphs or opening sentences are the two basic forms of signposting.‍

Signposting is a vital academic skill. It is essentially providing a roadmap for your reader, letting them know what to expect from your essay. Good signposting will make your essay easier to follow and understand, and can even make it more enjoyable to read!

Signposting is the use of phrases and words to lead the reader through the essay's or dissertation's material. Introductions, conclusions, and detailing key points or the argument's course in paragraphs or opening sentences are the two basic forms of signposting.


There are a few different ways you can signpost your essay. The most important thing is to be clear and concise. You want your reader to be able to follow your argument without getting lost.

One way to signpost is to use transitions. These are words or phrases that signal a change in direction. For example, you might use a transition like "however" to introduce a contrasting idea.

Another way to signpost is to use signposts themselves! These are phrases that signal to the reader that you are about to move on to a new idea. For example, you might say "in conclusion" before wrapping up your essay.

Finally, you can also use formatting to signpost your essay. For example, you might use headings and subheadings to divide your essay into sections. This makes it easy for the reader to follow your argument and see where you are going next.


So, next time you sit down to write an essay, remember to signpost! It will make your argument clearer and easier to follow, and will ultimately make your essay stronger. You can also download our app from the playstore or visit our website.