Climate Change And The Inuit Reading Answers-IELTS

Know about the topic: Climate Change and the Inuit with reading answers. Upgrade your reading skills before taking IELTS Exam.

The academic reading passage "Climate Change and the Inuit" was included in an IELTS test. 

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27- 1

Explanation- The terms "climate change" and "Inuit community" can be found in paragraph B. The Inuit population is said to be unsatisfied (or "content") to have an outside expert inform them that "climate a direct threat to their way of life" in the fourth line of the paragraph. Furthermore, these individuals are fiercely defending ('jealously guarding') their hard-won autonomy in Nunavut because they feel that combining their traditional knowledge with the most cutting-edge scientific research is "their best hope for survival in this changing environment" ('climate change'). As paragraph B has the three keywords (not "content") "climate change," "Inuit community," and "response," it is the solution.

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Explanation- The Canadian Arctic is introduced in paragraph C as a "treeless arctic desert that's covered with snow for most of the year" (landscape), which is an extremely difficult environment to live in. In addition, it is stated that in that region "farming is out of the question" and that natural products are "meagre" (difficult). Additionally, it is mentioned that occasionally colonists, or people who have settled in the Arctic, "failed and vanished" when the environment pushed them beyond their comfort zones. Therefore, answer C is correct.

29- 3

Explanation-The life of the Thule people is described in paragraph D as being "still severe." Although the majority of these people "have given up their wandering habits," they still rely on the natural world for "food and clothes" (essential supplies). They can "replace meat" (meal) they would have otherwise had to hunt with "imported meat," according to the addition that "provisions available in local stores" (sources) must be transported on "one of the most expensive air networks" (alternative). Therefore, "Alternative sources of necessary supplies" is the correct response.

30- 7

Explanation-In paragraph E, the author claims that although hunting and trapping may become impossible due to climate change, people's health will be affected (well being). Obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are just a few of the health problems that are on the rise. Along with "a crisis of identity" brought on by the loss of traditional hunting and trapping techniques, adult Inuits have a "high incidence of sadness" (unfavourable consequence) since they are unable to leave their communities. It will be the solution because the "negative consequences on well-being" are described in this paragraph.

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Explanation- The first sentence of paragraph F asserts that because the Inuit have spent so much time in the Arctic, they will be "critical in unravelling the secrets of climate change." Western scientists are therefore "beginning to draw on their wisdom" that "traditional knowledge is crucial" (respect). Inuit leader John Amagoalik claims that "IQ (or Inuit Quajimajatugangit) has had much greater legitimacy and weight in recent years" (Inuit opinion). Today, community consultation is actually "required for anyone expecting to receive permission to perform research" (respect grows). As the terms in this line are described, the correct response is "Respect for Inuit views rises."

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Explanation- The traditional knowledge is questioned by certain scientists, according to paragraph G, because the history of people who have settled in the Arctic is not sufficiently old. The first weather stations in the north, according to some, "date back merely 50 years." Furthermore, "many estimates are nothing more than best guesses" due to "massive gaps in our environmental understanding" (climate change) (limited). As the keywords in this line are explained, the correct response is "Understanding of climate change remains restricted."


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