Zoo Conservation Programmes Reading Answers-IELTS

Know about the topic: Zoo Conservation Programmes with reading answers. Upgrade your reading skills before taking IELTS Exam.

A reading passage from an IELTS test was the academic passage "Zoo Conservation Programs." 

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Yes/No/Not given

Multiple choice questions 




Explanation- The writer mentions that "London Zoo's recent advertisements," which claim that "Without zoos, you might as well tell these animals to get stuffed," "distort reality" (give a misleading idea of the real issue) regarding the conservation of endangered species of animals, and are therefore "dishonest," in the first paragraph. Therefore, the statement does support the author's viewpoints, which is the correct response.

17- Yes

Explanation- It is claimed in the second paragraph that zoos were initially built as "places of entertainment." It took them "approximately 30 years later" before their substantial "proposed involvement" (insignificant contribution) with conservation materialised. Therefore, the statement does support the author's viewpoints, which is the correct response.

18- Not Given

Explanation- In the third paragraph, the author states, "I found that, in a year of working in Eastern Europe, I discover new zoos on virtually a weekly basis," which is the only time Eastern Europe is mentioned in the section. Therefore, there is no discussion of the WZCS paper or Eastern Europe.

19- No

Explanation- The second problem with the WZCS is that it places "naive faith in its 1,000 zoos," which is covered in the fourth paragraph. Given that the WZCR is a significant document, one would presume that the calibre of the zoos has been "seriously evaluated" (second paragraph) (inspected). However, in practise, "a member of a zoo federation or association" can join the "select list." Therefore, it is questionable whether the zoos are thoroughly examined before being included to the list. So, the assertion goes against what the author has written.

20- No

Explanation- It is mentioned in the first sentence of the fifth paragraph that occasionally WZCS members are "roundly censured in the national press." The Isle of Wight's Robin Hill Adventure Park is one such instance (second sentence). Even though it had a "notorious" reputation, the local council safeguarded it for a long time until closing it "after a critical assessment by a veterinary inspector appointed under the requirements of the Zoo Licensing Act, 1981." (sixth sentence). People were therefore aware of the state of the animals at Robin Hill Adventure Park. So, the assertion goes against what the author has written.

21- No

Explanation- According to Colin Tudge, "if the zoos worked together in cooperative breeding schemes, then even without additional growth they could conserve over 2,000 species of endangered terrestrial vertebrates." is what is written in the sixth paragraph. The author of this text claims that Tudge's reasoning appears to be "an enormously hopeful proposition," and there is no indication of disappointment. So, the assertion goes against what the author has written.

22- Yes

Explanation- The writer states in the seventh paragraph that conserving "about 16 species" through the captive breeding programme "can scarcely be looked upon as great accomplishments" (unsatisfactory). The world zoo conference at the London Zoo was held 30 years ago, and it is further said that the progress made has been "very slow" and "had a long way off Tudge's aim of 2000."


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