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Once You’ve Learned to Speed Up, Slow Down!

Speeding up isn't the answer. In fact, we find that if top teams slow down, they eventually achieve their objectives more quickly.

You might think that sounds counter-intuitive, but it's not. Slowing down can actually help you become more productive.

Reasons why slowing down is important

1. Slowing down gives you time to think.

When you're moving too fast, you don't have time to think about what you're doing. This can lead to mistakes and inefficiency.

2. Slowing down allows you to pay attention to detail.

If you're rushing through your work, you're likely to miss important details. But if you take your time, you can be sure that you're not missing anything important.

3. Slowing down helps you avoid burnout.

If you're always moving at a million miles an hour, you're going to burn out eventually. Slowing down can help you avoid that.

4. Slowing down allows you to enjoy your work more.

If you're always rushing, you're not going to enjoy your work. But if you take your time and pay attention to what you're doing, you're likely to find that you enjoy it more.

5. Slowing down makes you more productive in the long run.

If you're always rushing, you might get a lot done in the short term. But in the long term, you'll be less productive because you'll make more mistakes and you'll be more likely to burn out.

So, if you want to be more productive, slow down.

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