What is LCCI?

Pearson LCCI qualifications are work-related qualifications, created to give professional learners the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the workplace. Find out more on our website.

The LCCI is a portfolio of work-related modular qualifications designed to provide learners with the targeted and specialised skills and knowledge required to enter and thrive in the workplace. Our qualifications were developed in collaboration with employers and professional bodies to ensure that each qualification provides students with industry-relevant skills.


LCCI qualifications are available as single subjects, diplomas, and group certificates and are appropriate for a wide range of learners aged 14 and up.

LCCI Level 1 qualifications enhance your fundamental knowledge and skills in a specific subject or business-related job field. 

LCCI Level 2 qualifications are typically the entry level requirement for jobs. They provide you with solid knowledge and understanding of a subject or business-related job area. 

LCCI Level 3 qualifications help you learn and apply a wide range of detailed knowledge, understanding, and skills. 

LCCI Level 4 qualifications assist you in becoming a specialist in your field of study or employment.

New diplomas-

Level 2- Diploma in Bookkeeping and Accounting.

Level 3- Diploma in Accounting and Finance.

Level 4-Professional Diploma in Accounting and Finance.

LCCI English language exam-

English for Business (EFB), English Language Skills Assessment (ELSA), JETSET, and Spoken English for Industry and Commerce (SEFIC) exams from LCCI are aligned to the Common European Framework (CEF) and are used as evidence of language proficiency by employers and universities worldwide.


Would you like to obtain an international qualification that is recognised by employers, universities, and professional bodies in the United Kingdom? International qualifications from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) are taken in over 80 countries, and over 500,000 are awarded globally. 

The exams assess professional knowledge of the subject and are administered in English. The required level of English ability for candidates whose first language is not English can be found in each syllabus.