What is TOEIC?

The TOEIC Listening and Reading test is an assessment of English-language reading and listening skills for the workplace. Learn how it can benefit you in the global job market and your employment.

The TOEIC® examinations measure your English language proficiency across all four language skills necessary to excel in the global workplace — hearing, reading, speaking, and writing — and are accepted and trusted by 14,000+ employers in more than 160 countries. Your TOEIC score will allow you to: 

  • acquire a fair, accurate appraisal of your English communication skills and demonstrate them to prospective employers 
  • increase your career possibilities and set yourself apart from the competition


Your TOEIC results may: help you stand out as a candidate for positions with multinational corporations. Show employees and clients that you can communicate with them across boundaries and cultures. positively impact work choices and other prospects.

How to prepare for TOEIC?
  • Paying great attention to the language used in the songs, internet broadcasts, radio, television, and movies 
  • They can greatly enhance their listening abilities in English by studying English. 
  • Reading is the most effective strategy to increase vocabulary. 
  • Every day, use the language. 
  • Keep a Journal.


An worldwide standard test of English language ability for non-native speakers is called the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC). It is specifically made to assess workers who operate in an international setting's proficiency with everyday English.