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Topic 22: Number of houses built per year in two cities Derby and Nottingham – Bar Chart

Above mentioned bar graph shows the number of houses constructed in a year in Derby and Nottingham cities.

Topic 22

The time period ranges from 2000 to 2009. Graph suggests that Derby had more homes built in comparison to Nottingham each year, except in 2000, 2001 and 2007.

As per the graph, in 2000, 50 houses were constructed in Nottingham whereas around 45 in Derby. After two years, there was a significant change seen, and more houses were built in Derby as compared to Nottingham. In 2005, more than 100 houses were constructed in Derby while in Nottingham only 80 houses were constructed. The number of houses built in Nottingham was noticeably less in 2006 and 2008. In contrast to this, the number was much higher in Derby. In the end, in 2009, Derby saw the construction of more than 240 homes, and Nottingham had has 250.

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