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Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?-IELTS

There have always been differences in the types of workmen he and she have done. However, the trend in modern times has been for both he and she to have greater freedom of choice in terms of employment.

You will have one hour to finish the entire writing test, including tasks 1 and 2. It is advised to complete work 1 in no more than 20 minutes and devote the remaining time to task 2, as task 2 will earn you more band than activity 1. Grammar and word usage on the test will both be taken into account when determining your score. Use around 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2, respectively.


It's a widespread perception that men and women have different strengths and shortcomings. Is it appropriate to discriminate against men or women in particular occupations based on their gender? 

Include any pertinent examples from your own knowledge or experience and a justification for your decision. 

250 words or more are required.

Sample Answer-

There are still suggestions that men and women should be excluded from certain types of jobs in today's culture, despite the fact that women and men are more equal than they were in the past and are taking on greater and more significant roles in society. I somewhat concur with this viewpoint. First, there are some occupations that are best suited for men only, such as construction labour. For a woman to climb between the Eiffel Tower's girders and paint each one of them would be very challenging. Or how can she endure cleaning windows while dangling outside a tall building?Another illustration is military service, which almost certainly results in men dying on the battlefield. It is claimed that a woman must give birth to children for future generations rather than sacrifice herself in order to serve her country. Second, because nursing involves a lot of patience and sacrifice, only women have personalities that are particularly suited to the field. A man who is assertive and decisive is unlikely to be willing to pamper an elderly person who is acting erratically. Additionally, hardly no male with a strong personality accepts the widely viewed lowly employment of aiding elderly people with grooming and personal hygiene. However, discriminating against men and women based on their employment is generally not advised.However, discriminating against men and women based on their employment is generally not advised. They should be given equal opportunity with the goal of maximising their talent. As can be seen in practise, we have seen some outstanding examples of women succeeding in science, including Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya, who was the first woman appointed to a full professorship in Northern Europe, and Marie Curie, who won the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. At the moment, Angela Merkel is the most powerful woman politician in Germany. We only exclude men or women from a small number of special vocations, to sum up. Otherwise, it would be preferable to promote gender parity in employment opportunities.


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