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The birth rate in most developed countries is predicted to fall-IELTS

The birth rate in most developed countries is predicted to fall over the next 50 years.

You will have one hour to finish the entire writing test, including tasks 1 and 2. It is advised to complete work 1 in no more than 20 minutes and devote the remaining time to task 2, as task 2 will earn you more band than activity 1. Grammar and word usage on the test will both be taken into account when determining your score. Use around 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2, respectively.


There are now a lot of people over 65 in several wealthy nations. What issues might this bring about? How are the issues to be resolved?

Sample answer-

According to the forecasts, the birth rate will decrease in industrialised countries during the next 50 years. By 2030, nearly 30% of societies with advanced technology are predicted to have a 65+ population. This worrying tendency results in declining tax revenues, active labour, and population. 

Increasing obstacles result from declining fertility rates. The low rate of childbearing among women initially has a negative impact on the population of the nation. Additionally, because of this glitch, taxable incomes are reduced, forcing the government to spend a sizable portion of its budget on medical care and social services to sustain the elderly. The decline in the active labour force is this condition's third barrier.

On the other hand, a wide range of solutions for this upheaval have been proposed by economists. Strengthening incentive policies for increased reproduction rates among young couples is the first practical approach. The government can provide a subsidy for any newborn children, for instance. Additionally, accelerating the immigration of young professionals with technical expertise and seasoned experts from less developed nations can solve this conundrum. These days, a wide range of states apply this policy. Australia is a prime example of how immigration has been made easier. As a result, the government releases a yearly list of the skills that are needed in various industries based on a set of criteria.

In the conclusion, the decline in birthrate intensifies a growing number of issues, such as the labour force shortfall, the peak in the elderly population, and the deterioration of social services and healthcare. By putting into practise helpful strategies like providing money to couples to increase fertility and speeding up the immigration process, these tragic crises can be changed.


To prepare for this exam all you have to do is work hard and gather as many resources as possible from books, online websites, videos etc. For further information you can visit SpeakoClub and receive a lot of information regarding IELTS. Both the exams have their own importance. Nothing is impossible, not even this exam. Once you decide to clear it then all you need is a proper dedication to clear it and achieve your life goals.

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