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Topic 16: Source of complaints about the bank of America

The graphs give us data on the source of complaints and the average time from investigation data to final action.

Topic 16

Overall, the highest percentage of complaints came from the public. Additionally, the longest time required to process the complaints was six months in the year 2001. Those complaints were very well addressed in 2002. The response was prompt.

The pie chart shows that more than 63% of complaints originated from ordinary people. 8% of these were reported by the insurance companies while the media complaint ratio was only 3%. The bank employees' complaints are also 3%. Complaints from other sources which are not included in the given six categories made up one-tenth of the total complaints.  

Average resolve time, depicted in the bar graph, says that the bank took roughly four to six months to fix those complaints. In 2001 they needed half a year to take measure against those complaints,

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