Every sentence in the English language has either linking verbs, helping verbs, or action verbs. Learn all about the types of verbs and how they work!
Became: I became a professional painter after completing the course
Seem: You seem nervous.
Stay: Stay indoors, it is cold outside.
Remain: Everyone please remain seated.
Grow: She grew old
Act: They acted as if they don't know who broke the vase
Go: I will go to mall and then to my sisters place
Turn: She turned back and spoke to him
Prove: They proved that they are talented
Get: She got home after 6pm
Fall: He fell from the stairs
Feel: His hands felt rough
Look: She looked tried
taste : That tasted awful
sound : He sounded tired
smell : She smelt good
appear : Sam appeared before the court
Touch: The baby touched the floor