Since a Pronoun is used in place of a noun, it must be of the same number or gender.
All the boys must open their books.
She is doing her work.
When the indefinite pronoun “one” is the subject in a sentence, it must be followed by “one” or “one’s” throughout and not “his” or “him”.
Incorrect: One should never forget his old friends.
Correct: One should never forget one’s old friends.
When two or more nouns are joined by ‘and’ and they refer to the same person or thing in ‘singular number’ the personal pronoun must be in the singular number.
The principal and Warden are not doing their duty.
The principal commands great respect for his reputation.
When two or more singular nouns are joined by ‘or’ or ‘either…or, ‘neither…nor’, thepronoun used for them must be singular.
Incorrect: Elena or John must give me their book.
Correct: Elena or John must give me his book.
When a plural noun and a singular noun are joined by ‘or’, or ‘either…or’, ‘neither… or’, the pronoun must be in agreement with the nearest noun.
Either the manager or his assistants failed in their duty.
Neither the teacher nor the students took interest in their work.
A pronoun used for a Collective Noun must be in the singular number, neuter, gender.
The class was doing its work silently.
The army had to suffer much in its march.
When a pronoun refers to more than one noun or pronoun of different persons, it must be of the First-Person Plural in preference to the Second Person and of the Second Person in preference to the Third Person.
You and I have done our duty.
Pronouns after ‘let’ and ‘between’ should always be in the Objective Case.
Incorrect: Let he and she do this.
Correct: Let him and her do this.
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