Nouns are a part of speech that comprise words that are used to name people, places, animals, objects and ideas. Almost every sentence will definitely have a noun, and they perform different roles in a sentence. Nouns can act as the subject, an indirect object, a direct object, a subject complement and an object complement. Nouns can also function as adjectives and verbs.
In today’s lesson, we will discuss noun and their types. We will begin with the understanding of nouns. Then we will see examples of the noun. A noun in simple terms is a naming word. Moving ahead we will learn about different types of nouns. Practice questions and solved examples are given throughout the article for better understanding and concept clarity. Let’s begin the journey on this amazing topic.
A noun is a term that designates a certain person, place, object, or notion. Man, Ram, India, table, and car are a few examples.
Noun can be divided into five following groups:-
1. Common noun
2. Proper noun
3. Abstract noun
4. Collective noun
5. Material noun
A common noun is a name used to refer to any individual, location, or object generally.
• For example, the term "boy" can be applied to any boy (Rakesh, Raju, Amit, Rajesh, Mayank, etc.), but it does not specifically reference any one boy in particular. As a result, the noun "boy" is widely used.
• Similarly, the name ‘city’ refers to any city in the world (Delhi, Patna, Lucknow, etc.) but does not mention any particular city. Thus, ‘city’ is a common noun.
• Example, I really love this city.
• She is my favorite professor.
• I will go to the temple tomorrow after a walk in the garden.
Proper nouns are names given to specific people, places, or things. For example,
• Rakesh and Amit are the names of two boys.
• Delhi is a city.
• Taj Mahal is a building.
• Ganga is a river.
• Mt. Everest is a mountain range.
• I don’t want to miss the Wimbledon series.
• I would like to go to Sydney in December.
Rakesh, Mayank, Delhi, the Taj Mahal, the Ganges, Sydney, December, Wimbledon and Mount Everest are all proper nouns.
Note: A proper noun's first letter is usually capitalized.
Abstract noun is the name of anything we can think about rather than something we can see or touch.
• They are names for certain traits, emotions, states, or behaviour.
• For example, charity is the term for a trait that cannot be seen but can only be understood by observing certain actions or a person's behavioural pattern, it is an abstract noun.
Formation of Abstract Nouns
Adjectives, verbs, and ordinary nouns can all be used to create abstract nouns.
• I am not interested in gossip.
• You are worthy of all the success and love.
• His brilliance is truly unmatched.
• Goodness radiates positivity and light.
• My mother does everything with great ease.
Note: Abstract nouns also include the names of the arts and sciences, grammar, physics, music, pottery, etc.
A collective noun is a term used to refer to a group of people, animals, or things viewed as a whole.
• For example, a bouquet of flowers, a band of musicians, or a heap of sand.
• Our team won the dance competition.
• The little boy was scared and amused by an army of ants.
• Please pass me the bunch of keys.
• Society can never be pleased.
Substances or materials are referred to as material nouns.
• For instance, material nouns include gold, iron, and steel.
• This is a glass cup. • I am not fond of wheat products.
• He has a silver allergy.
At first appearance, the noun definition is simple: they are name words that refer to a person, place, thing, or idea. They're undoubtedly the most significant part of any phrase because they're usually the subject. They can also be the sentence's immediate object. A noun is a person's, place's, or thing's name. The term "thing" refers to objects that we can see, touch, taste, feel, and hear. It also includes things that we can only think about but neither see nor touch. There are different types of noun based on which category the naming words fall into.
A. Identify the type of noun for each of the following.
1. Crowd
2. Goodness
3. Slavery
4. Honesty
5. Germany
6. Dentist
B. Complete these sentences using suitable collective nouns.
1. A _____ of keys.
2. A _____ of paper.
3. A _____ of sticks.
4. A _____ of fruits.
5. A _____ of bees.
C. Underline the nouns in the given sentences.
1. Riya is a good girl.
2. We saw tigers in the zoo
3. The teacher writes on the board.
4. Ram reads a book.
5. I like mango juice.